storytellers and legacy builders...
In the Summer of 2008, Noel Villaverde and his family dealt with an unfortunate circumstance when a fire erupted from their next-door neighbor’s home - eventually affecting their own home as well in the process. Within the midst of all the stress and challenges, Noel wanted to find an outlet in which he can keep his mind off of them. He started picking up a camera, and through countless hours of honing his craft, what started out as a form of leisurely escapism formed into passion.
This passion eventually led into making stories through portraits and event coverage. Noel helps his clients celebrate their lives and build legacies by taking the most beautiful photographs of them. Through his photojournalistic style, he has also been able to help many clients tell their stories - stories of each moment captured becomes a moment treasured.
If you need someone to help tell your stories and build a legacy through photographs, allow Noel the honor to tell it and build it.